This project is optimized for 1920x1080 resolutions. It works for 1280x720 even if there are slight disposition differences (e.g. the LP's vertical alignments are not perfect).


I've been working on the Yu-Gi-Oh! novel starter-kit for Ren'Py for more than a year and a half. For a long time, only the LP bars were working. With some time and thanks to my intermediate coding skills, I've managed to add new functions and optimize my code. The hardest thing to do in this kind of project is to build a solid, functional, and easy to code framework.

Don't forget to give this project a vote if you liked it! Go to the Make Visual Novel Assets jam to do so!

What the showcase project does

  • Feature a pair of scripted duels
    • The first one starts in medias res
    • The second one ends in a one-turn kill (the spider deck Quentin uses is inspired by a YouTube video!)

What this starter-kit cannot do

  • Play against AI duelists
    • It's way too complex to program a game where thousands of cards, effects and rulings exist!
  • Generate the cards
    • However, there are a few websites and programs to generate your own cards
    • I use a Java program named AnimeYuGiOhCardMaker which has a functionality to automatically fetch card data from a search bar (ie. if I write "Kuriboh", then its image, ATK, DEF, level, attribute and type of card would be imported
  • Use a real Yu-Gi-Oh! field - Extra Monster and Field Spell spots are missing. Time to play old-school!
    • And I don't like Link monsters so no visual system exists for the Link Arrows.
  • Make tag duels (2 VS 2, each duelist has its own Life Points)
    • There's no room to code the new bars
    • However, you could make both duelists share the bar (before creating the bar, give a name to a duelist object such as "Matt & Quentin")

What this starter-kit could do in a next version

  • Improve the duel HUD with character portraits (if you know Legacy of the Duelist, that's what I'd like to get) + card count in hand and deck
  • Display data about a card when it's hovered/clicked on
    • Useful if ATK/DEF/Level/... has changed meanwhile
  • Feature a custom LP bar
    • The fill color in the screenshots is the color you chose when creating the project


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

YGO novel starter-kit (PC) 59 MB
YGO novel starter-kit (Mac) 55 MB


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This looks very cool, but the windows download seems to be broken. 

Did you try to download it again? It's working for me.

Did you get any error?

Maybe I should try to make it playable on the browser...


I honestly did not expect this to come out of MVNA. Never thought I would want this.

Holy moly, thanks. I don’t know what I’m going to do with this but I sure am happy this exists.

Thank you.

Like I said, this framework was in a state of eternal prototype. MVNA jam gave me a reason to work on it again!